The Basic React Code for an Event In Focus¶
return ( <div className="showEventWrapper"> <div className="showEvent"> <div className="vaporwaveBar"> <div className="vbar-buttons"> <button className="vaporwaveBarContents"> <img src={require("../images/media_player_stream_no.png")} alt="alt" /> </button> <button className="vaporwaveBarContents"> <img src={require("../images/button-left-v.svg")} alt="Error" className="leftRight" /> </button> <button className="vaporwaveBarContents"> <img src={require("../images/button-right-v.svg")} alt="burr" /> </button> </div> </div> <div id="header" className="eventHeader"> <h2 id="eventHeader-text"> {this.props.header} </h2> <div id="locationTimeWrapper"/> </div> <div className="eventBody"> <img className="eventBody-image" id="eventBody-image1" src={this.props.images[0]} alt={""} /> <p className="eventBody-text"> <img className="eventBody-image" id="eventBody-image2" src={this.props.images[1]} alt="" /> {this.props.body} </p> </div> <div className="event-citation"> <p id="event-citation-text">{this.props.citation[0]}</p> <p id="event-citation-text">,</p> <p id="event-citation-text" style={{ marginLeft: 5 }}> {this.props.citation[1]} </p> </div> </div> </div> );
- Style: Which styling should we us
- Header: Summary of the event
- Body: The text of the event, as one paragraph
- Images: The src/url of the pics we want to display
- Currently we only support two, but this will change soon
Default CSS¶
Tinker around with EventInFocus.css
The Basic Unique Styling Code for an Event In Focus¶
const STYLEPROPGOESHEREDiv = { background: '#BACKGROUND EVENT COLOR GOES HERE', border: '2px solid #ffffff' } const STYLEPROPGOESHEREText = { fontFamily: "CUSTOM FONT GOES HERE", color: 'TEXT EVENT COLOR GOES HERE ', marginLeft: 5, fontSize: '1rem', } const STYLEPROPGOESHEREBar = { color: 'BUTTON COLOR FOR BAR GOES HERE', backgroundColor: 'BACKGROUND COLOR FOR BAR GOES HERE', }
Then apply these styles in an if statement in EventInFocus.js¶
else if ( === "STYLE PROP GOES HERE") { return ( ... ) },