Alex Rose

I'm a junior studying Computer Science at Loyola University Chicago.

I'm also a Mulcahy Fellow at the Software Systems Laboratory.

I used to work as a IT Technician for the Loyola Service Desk and now I'm looking for another job that's more about coding.

My (Full) Stack:

For design I use Figma to prototype and create wireframes, and then (obviously) use CSS on the actual site.

I also have a lot of experience with design systems. I like Material Design, but my new favorite is the Chicago Design System, and made my own (WIP) system for the History of Computing project, which you can see here.

In regards to the real code, I primarily use vanilla Javascript or ReactJS.

I’m also well versed in creating accessible sites using A11Y.

Finally, I'm OK at React Native and Typescript. I am learning more every week though.

I have experience with hosting and integrating both SQL, noSQL, and of course REST APIs for websites. (which you can see below in my portfolio).

In general, I like using MongoDB and Postgres for databases, AWS for hosting, and Express for API and Webservices.

I am also intermediate with Python, particularly working with data using APIs.

I also know some basic Bash and AppleScript, for scripting repetitive tasks.

My Portfolio:

This is my website, built with React, as part of my work for the SSL and for my Mulcahy Fellowship.
TLDR without the academic wording:
We want to create a cool website to introduce people to the historiography of the History of Computing
Don't Panic is the main computer science club of Loyola University Chicago. We have about 200 members. I am the VP, which means I do a lot of decision making. I also do other day to day stuff like sending out emails and organizing meetings
FoodSpector is an web app to see the health and safety data on restaurants in Chicago. Using the City of Chicago's data, we can tell users important info with one search
This is a site that lets people find specific songs from Spotify. Using their REST API, we can filter songs using variables like Valence and Danceability. It's currently deprecated because we can't afford AWS, but you can look at my backend code.
This is a site that lets people create quizzes. I did some of the UI and all the AWS stuff. Check out Quiz Cli for a terminal version written in Python that works alot better
I wrote a Python Scraper in order to predict the age of Reddit users based on their comments. (Generalized to Gen Z + Millennial's vs everyone else)
Ongoing side-project where I create some useful (and some memey nonsense) scripts for power Mac users. Applescript is a dying language and I aim to preserve it
This is one of my favorite creations, it lets people make their own Navy Seal Copypasta easier. If you dont know about this classic internet meme please be aware it has ADULT LANGUAGE

I also like to write and make stuff:

Here are my 6 most recent things I've made.

Check the Archive for more